Dwarf Nigerian Goats

Dwarf Nigerian Goats

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The picture above came from the Misty Mountain 4-H poultry club - I have no idea where Misty Mountain is, but found the pic when I was looking for an image to put on a mother's day card to my mother.  We are expecting a shipment of chicks, our first.  The order includes what efowl calls Top Hat Specials, and among those specials are Mottled Houdan Chickens.  Since I told my mother I was naming one of the chicks after her in honor of Mother's Day, I wanted to find a picture that exemplifies motherhood.  

The other 19 expected chicks will include

the rest of the top hat specials efowl's top hat link

5 Barred Plymouth Rocks 

5 Rhode Island Reds

and 5 Americaunas

The chickens are due to ship May 11, which happens to be my friend's birthday.  So another top hat special will be named Amy.   The third will be named after my mother's chicken Rosie, a nondescript chicken that she inherited when she bought a small farmhouse in Windham, Maine back in the late 1970's.  Rosie was broody, laying an occasional non fertilized egg, and sitting on it faithfully for 21 days.

The other chickens will be named by my daughter, using the names of characters in her favorite books.  More on that later....