Ruthie, on the other hand, has the roost figured out:
If you are new to this blog, I've written about Ruthie before. She is a white crested black or blue Polish chick, and may look like this when she grows up:
By the way, I borrowed this photo from Livingscape Nursery but hope to have my own adult shot one day.
Ruthie is tough, resilient, and happens to be the smallest chick in the flock. This morning a Rhode Island Red (I need my daughter to tell you which one) had something in her mouth, and was running, squawking - why they squawk is a mystery, since a quiet chick can feast in peace - and Ruthie was the only chick brave enough to chase the other bird. Let's hope Ruthie doesn't turn into Rutherford the rooster!
Anne at Echo Mountain View Road chickens